GT and ZR are the two main new-patient schedulers for a busy medical practice. There are many shared tasks in their jobs. It is convenient for them to check each other’s electronic health record (EHR) office messages. To enable this, they have given one another their personal passwords on the system. This seemed to work well—until a problem arose. It was found that a user of … [Read more...] about Case Study: The Perils of Password Sharing
Case Studies
Case Study: BY and the Performance Reviews
BY is the clinical administrator for a large multispecialty practice. As part of her role, BY handles clinical evaluations including annual employee reviews. During these reviews, each team member’s strengths and weaknesses are discussed. There is always time spent on what the employee does well and what needs to be improved. BY feels that these evaluations go well, but the … [Read more...] about Case Study: BY and the Performance Reviews
Case Study: Dr. SY Did the Credentialing
SY handled credentialing for a practice for several years but has recently retired from the practice. All of the recredentialing notifications went through SY’s office, primarily through her email address. When a new employee was hired to replace SY, no one forwarded her emails to a new active account. Because of this error, recredentialing for a major insurance company expired … [Read more...] about Case Study: Dr. SY Did the Credentialing
Case Study: MJ Sounds Like a Perfect Employee
MJ has worked with the practice for more than15 years, managing the back-office and the bookkeeping. Not only is he a valued and trusted member of the staff, he is also the senior partner’s brother-in-law. He is dependable, gets his work done, and is ready to chip in when others need help. In fact, MJ rarely takes more than a few days off. Everyone agrees that they don’t know … [Read more...] about Case Study: MJ Sounds Like a Perfect Employee
Case Study: Embezzlement by Front Office Staff
PR works the front desk. She checks people in and collects copays at a geriatrics office. She is always pleasant, and the patients love her. She is one of the least well-compensated people in the office and has thousands of dollars pass through her hands every day. As a single mom, she has trouble making ends meet. The opportunity to justify giving oneself a little extra … [Read more...] about Case Study: Embezzlement by Front Office Staff