Covid-19 is changing our world forever. Every healthcare practice looks drastically different than 6 weeks ago. Before the pandemic, health care was struggling; COVID-19 has magnified the struggle. Let’s not waste the opportunity to re-evaluate and strengthen our practices. Long gone are days when a practice could simply see patients and expect collections to exceed costs. Cost continue to rise while payments are flat or decreasing.
Health care providers know this well because we live it each day. We entered the profession to take care of patients and did not have formal business training. Still, we have to be business people (at least to some extent) if we want to continue practicing. Planning a comeback after the initial COVID-19 impact on all practices is very challenging. We invite you to visit our free website to help improve and strengthen your practice.
At Smart Business Great Medicine, we recognize the challenges health care professionals face trying to run a business. Through the years we have sought help and overall have been disappointed. The resources available are typically developed by well-intentioned individuals who don’t have experience practicing medicine and so, quite frankly, do not fully understand the business of medicine. Health care practices need solutions developed by health care professionals (or at least teams that include them) who have lived and breathed the unique challenges of medicine. What may work in a traditional business sense cannot simply be applied to a healthcare practice. Lives are in the balance and sometimes what is the best business or financial move for a practice must be weighed against potential human costs. Every business decision must factor in how it will affect patients.
We invite you to visit our free website and use the resources like our business continuity plan or cybersecurity guide to improve and strengthen your practice. Ask your office manager to do so also. Make a list of issues your practice needs to address. Review the case studies and consider how they relate to your practice. Send us topics you would like us to address.
Let’s pool our experiences and teach one another what does and doesn’t work. We can be stronger together to keep our health care practices in business so we can continue to care for all of society.
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