It is easy to complain about your situation. Anybody can be a whiner. It takes no particular skill to complain. Yet, it can still have widespread effects. A whiner placed even at the lowest level of a practice can poison the well. If a whiner is in a management position, the damage can be extensive. Don’t be a whiner yourself and don’t allow a whiner in any leadership or … [Read more...] about Leaders Don’t Whine—They Solve Problems
Making Medicine Fun Again
Great Leaders: Consensus Makers or Dictators?
Got an issue that needs to be dealt with in the office? Everyone does—that’s why we created SBGM. Great leadership requires effective management and active listening. It also takes a thoughtful approach to how problems are addressed. Are you going to sit down with all concerned parties and work through to a consensus? Or will you go to the opposite end of the spectrum and … [Read more...] about Great Leaders: Consensus Makers or Dictators?
Leadership Requires Effective Active Listening
We have posted about why Great Leaders Need to Be Effective Managers. We’ve said finding an honest, hard-working, fair individual for a leadership position is of the utmost importance. An individual lacking any of these core features cannot effectively lead your team for the long term. To the contrary, an individual without those traits is likely to create an unhealthy … [Read more...] about Leadership Requires Effective Active Listening
Great Leaders Are Effective Managers
For years numerous books and articles were written about the art of management, but over the past few years, the pendulum has swung toward a plea for leaders rather than managers. As a layer upon layer of management has been applied to the practice of medicine, it has become clear that managers have not created the smoothly running systems that we desperately need. In … [Read more...] about Great Leaders Are Effective Managers